Greetings Sporefans. While there is no review this week, I thought that it would be fun to get a little feedback from you guys about Spored to Death Publishing. Because I know that most of you are not too keen on typing up stuff to say in the commentary, I looked into using some polling utilities for blogs. This is the first time I've used these web polls, but after testing it out on my test site things seemed to work OK.
The following are some questions that I'd like to ask my readers to try and get the site running better for you guys, the readers. Please take some time and click on the best answer for the questions. Come on, I know you guys like giving your opinions on stuff, and I'm making it as easy as possible. Click on the answers and vote. I can't promise it will change anything, but I'll try. You can also add comments at the end, like normal.
Next week we will have a new review, but for now, click! Click for freedom!
OK Sporefans, that about wraps it up for this week. If you guys like the polls I may resurrect the Friday "Head to Head" event with new polls.
why isn't jay sherman on the list of best reviewers?
"What would you like to see more of on this site?" - rants about Skittles commercials.
I could put up some serious posts about those awful commercials. They're worse than most of the movies I watch. Plus, it only takes 30 seconds to get a review, as opposed to the hour and a half to two hours it takes to watch the movies.
hmmmm...sour old man!!!
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